ExIf 35 0.2.20100409 April 9, 2010 -------------------- Release Information: *Released as Windows Executable *Released as Windows Installer *No Pocket PC 2003 executable for this build *No Windows Mobile 5 excecutable for this build System Requirements (PC): *Must be running Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 *Supports Windows 2000 and higher *Software is developed and tested on Windows 7 System Requirements (Mobile): *Must be running Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 3.5 *Supports Windows Mobile 2003 SE or higher *Software is developed and tested on PocketPC 2003 SE (HP iPaq) Feature Additions: *Images can be skipped, or files replaced on exif writing panel *Exif writing window will stay on top, for easy loading of files *Saved state is automatically determined Bug Fixes: *Exception case with empty roll file fixed *Exception case with attempting to write contact info when none present Changes *Empty roll files will not be written, a -1 exposure is written instead *Forced selection of textbox on tag entry window *Tags box no longer needs a taskbar space *Less redundant save dialogs, we check freshness now *User is asked if they wish to save when opening a new file Notes: *To skip writing data to an image: *You may add all files and then skip the image to ignore the file *You may skip before adding files to skip assigning a file to the image *It was not recorded in a previous file, but there exists the ability to merge multiple roll files into a single file. Useful if recording on more than one computer, or a computer and PDA. Support: *Email exif35@icurtis.me *Discussion Board: http://n3w.us/DB_exif35 Developed By: *Curtis M. Kularski