Documentation Index
ExIf 35 Operating Instructions
Updated March 1, 2017
by Curtis M. Kularski
This Manual Contains The Following Sections:
*Basic Operation
*Import functionality
*Writing to Exif
*Expected Field Values
*Using for roll information only
*Merging Files
*Backing Up and Restoring Settings
*Reccomended Procedures
Basic Operation
The first time you open ExIf 35, you will be in a blank roll file. You
should begin by entering information about the film, and also about the camera.
You may also use the "Additional Information" menu to enter information about
yourself and the lenses you use with your camera (if you are using a changable
lens camera). Once the basic information is entered, you may ensure that it is
saved to the configuration by clicking the "Save Roll" button.
As soon as the basic information is stored, you may begin adding your
images by selecting "Add Exposure" and entering the relevant information to the
dialog that appears. Some fields that appear may not be relevant to you, or may
be excessive for your needs. You may safely ignore those fields and leave them
as "Unknown" or blank. Most novices (and many professionals) will choose to
completely ignore all of the fields on the right side of the box.
Import Functionality
Imports can be made from Exif4Film (Android/iOS), exif35 (Windows/Mac) or
directly from a Nikon MV-1 unit (plain text). You may import new exposures or
update existing exposures. It is possible to overlay multiple data sources. For
example, you may import from Exif4Film for GPS data and filter data and then
update the exposures with information from Meta35 or Nikon MV-1.
Writing to Exif
Once exposures are entered into the application, writing the information to
the exif of a JPEG is as simple as clicking "Write ExIf", and either selecting
a folder, or dragging the files on to the panel, and then clicking "Write". You
may opt to select additional features though, such as writing of copyright,
contact and other information on the file. You may also select the digitization
method for the files to have that information recorded as well. The default
configuration will place your output files in the same folder as the source,
but with a different filename. You may keep this option or you may select to
overwrite the originals (completely safe for the image, but may overwrite
existing exif data) or you may select a new destination folder.
If you make an error in adding files, click "Clear" and you will be able to
try again. If you have one file that is problematic you may right-click it and
choose "Set File" to manually select a single file to replace.
If you wish to not set an image to an exposure, you may right-click that
exposure's line and select "Skip". To reinstate the exposure, repeat the
To mass load files, but to exclude a few from being written, load the batch
that you intend to load, then right-click on the files that you wish to exclude
and click "skip" on them. The file will not be used, and the exposure's
information will not be written to any file (except the roll file, of course).
Expected Field Values
ExIf35 uses a lot of fields to record information. Fortunately most of them
are selection boxes where the user must only choose the correct value. There
are, however, a few fields that require special attention.
*Aperture - expects only a whole number, or a single decimal point. For
example: "2.8" and "22" are both valid, but "f/2.8" and "F22" are not
accepted by the application.
*Exposure Time - the time used for the exposure. The application will
accept whole numbers for seconds (usually between 1 and 30), but it
will also accept normal fractions such as 1/60 and 1/4000. Finally,
while not the prefered format, the application will also accept decimal
seconds, such as 1.25 or a combination of the above, such as 1/1.25.
The application will not accept any time designation characters such as
: or ".
*Focal length - whole numbers used for focal length, usually marked on the
lens body. Only whole numbers are accepted.
*Exposure Bias - also called EV, or Exposure Compensation. The application
will accept positive or negative values in this field (it is a signed
field). You may use either the decimal for rational form for this
number. The application must convert it to a rational for writing to a
*DateTime/DateTimeDigitized - This field must be formatted in complicance
with ExIf standards regarding time storage. The format is the four
digit year, colon (:), two digit month, colon (:), two digit day, colon
(:), space, two-digit 24H hour (00 - 23), colon (:), two digit minute,
colon (:), two digit second; or YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss. The application
uses text-box masking in the Windows version to help you keep this in
*DevelopDate - same as DateTime, except there is no time component. Format
is YYYY:mm:dd.
*Number - number is a field used by both the rolls and the exposures. This
field is an arbitrary counter that is used for organization purposes
for rolls, but to label frames on the roll for exposures. The only
requirement for these fields is that it must be numeric.
*Unique ID - the unique ID is a free-form string field, you may use any
text or numeric value you wish to use, as long as it is unique between
Using for roll information only
You may use ExIf35 for writing only roll information to files, ignoring the
individual exposures. To do this procedure, create a new roll file and enter
its information. Then, from the "EXPOSURES" menu, add blank exposures. Enter
the number of exposures that your roll contains. Click Add. Save your roll
file, then open the exif writing panel by clicking "Write EXIF".
Merging Files
With ExIf35 it is possible to combine two roll files into one. The most
common use of this functinality is in adding exposures from a file recorded on
the mobile version of the application to the active file on the main
application. The main file will be the file that is open at the time of the
merging, and the subordinate file will be the file that is being added.
To merge two files, open the main file in the application. Once the file is
loaded, from the "Roll" menu, select "Add Exposures From File". You will be
promted for the location of the file. Select the file and the exposures will be
immediately added the the existing exposures in the application. Click "Save
Roll" to finalize the merge. Once you complete the merge it is safe to delete
the subordinate file, to prevent it being confused with the main file.
Backing up and Restoring Your Settings
Adding information to an application such as ExIf35 can be tedious. For
that reason, ExIf 35 has a built in backup utility. You may backup your files
by selecting "Backup Settings" from the "Utilities" menu. You must select a
bacup location, and then click "Backup".
If you find yourself in a situation where you need to restore from a
backup, you will use the above procedure, except from the "Restore" tab. From
that tab, you will select your restore location. Don't worry if other files are
in the same folder, ExIf35 will only copy files that belong to it (it checks
files with its manifest). You may also wish to utilize this portion of the
utility for copying your configuration between computers.
If you do not have a backup of your configuration and the application
begins to operate in an undesired (or inconsistent) way, you may visit the
Backup utility to clean the main config file. You will find the utiltiy for
this on the "Reset" tab. The original configuration is saved as "exif35.bak".
If you must restore from the backup, it must be done manually.
Finally, you may find it desirable to clean ALL configuration information
from the application in an expedicious manner. This can occur if you neeed to
tag images on a client's computer, or otherwise are using a system that you
only temporarily have access to. This functionality, a kill switch, is located
on the Backup Settings window on the "Kill" tab. Clicking "Kill Configuration"
and then accepting the proceding dialog will erase all traces of configuration
for the application. It is recomended that you make a backup to an external
device before you execute this procedure, as it has no undo function.
Recomended Procedures
The application imposes very few standards on its users, as every user
will have a different way of using the application, but the developer does have
some suggestions for optimal use.
*Backups - Once you have configured the application to your liking and have
added a few exposures, use the backup functionality and save your
settings to an external storage device. It is recomended to update
these backups whenever you make major changes to the config, or when
there is a change to the configuration type of the application (this
will be noted in the release notes of each build).
* Naming - Rolls can be named anything, but it is recomended that you name
them by either the date they are loaded or the date they are finished.
This naming structure will help keep things organized.
*Storage of files - While it is possible to place roll files anywhere, you
may wish to store them in a folder on your computer with a name such as
"My Film Info", or in the folder that contains/will contain the digital
version of the exposures (if any). |